Monday, November 16, 2009

Why is the grass green the sky blue the sun yellow the ocean blue ummmm the leaves green wood brown?

why are there colors animals trees grass metal computers cups cameras paper cd's markers bills games knives clothes blankets shelves printers flopies cats internet sound mass mice buttons people energy wood hinges plastic and why do chineese people look alike... and indians...mexicans...mongolians...japone... russians... why is the anything anyways

Why is the grass green the sky blue the sun yellow the ocean blue ummmm the leaves green wood brown?
Because of matter. Matter is what everything is composed of. There are colors because of the spectrum of light. People have worked to make their lives easier, that is why there is technology. There are different races because of evolution, and people evolved to fit their climates.

I am not saying that all of this wasn't caused by a god of some sort.

the point is, no one really know.

Look through
Reply:thank you very much but i just asked that because i was bored and wanted to do something pointless. Thank you anyway. Report It

Reply:God made them that way and I think they're perfect.
Reply:things are a certain color because of how light reflects off of them
Reply:Becasue that is the way God made it. Isn't the universe beautiful with all it's color and diversity!?
Reply:Because that is what God wanted.


Who's fault is it?

It was my ancestors fault.

Slavery, it was the white man keeping me down. Guess what, I have never owned slaves. So stfu If you want to talk about oppression see my ancestors from Ireland. Should they get some reparations?

How about the polish and the shite they endured? What about the native americans and small pox in the blankets(which incidentally was perpetrated by the Brits)? Also It had a negligible effect on Indians.

In conclusion oh boo who. Who am I going to blame?

Who's fault is it?
Do you know what reparations are? Reparations are payments for work you or your family did without payment. For example, all the companies that used Jews as free labor in WW2 had to pay the families. This is because they did work for them, but never received payment. The idea is that we also used African Americans as slaves but never paid them. This is a unique situation to what other oppressed groups in the US have endured.

And although many groups have received very unfair treatment in the past, I don't think you can compare the way the Irish were treated to the way Africans were treated.
Reply:a reperation isn't always money- it can be a formal apology.

jews received one.

I'm not sure if african americans have received a national one- some states have given one

Why is the Truth Not Taught in School What was Done to The Native Americans???

Why when you say it a white "culture" teaching, there is little or "NO" truth taught in the schools about the Native Americans. Not once in you history class will you hear, well the "Indians" had a right to be angry at the settlers, because they were forcing them off lands that had been their home for thousands of years. You will not hear how the "Indians" were lied to, tricked (easy to do because our Peoples lived by honor and respect), murdered, put bounty on, sold or traded blankets infected on purpose with disease, whiskey that cloud the mind and make sick lives, the women raped, treated as dirt and less, sold as slaves, beaten, and abuse in so many ways. No you will not be taught the "truth" of the "settling" of these lands, or the "taming" of the savage "heathens" who were "godless". No you will not be taught the truth that our Peoples were far more civilized, and advanced, socially, morally, medically, and spiritually because then they have to admit it was a genocide far worse than anything "Hitler" and the "Nazi" ever did!

Why is the Truth Not Taught in School What was Done to The Native Americans???
Good question!

The answer is that racist and ethnocentric Europeans came here originally. There was no Internet back then. Books were limited. Children learned mainly from their racist parents. They became racist. They passed that on to their kids and they then passed it on..... and so on.

Racism and Ethnocentrism towards Native people has become so engrained in American Society that people don't even notice it!

Example? Washington Redskins. The capital of the United States has a football team with a RACIST team name! People openly support that because discrimination and racism towards Native people has become so engrained, people won't believe it's wrong....

Example? Tony Cornheiser a few years ago on PTI said, Hawaiian women are a dime a dozen." What if he had said black women are a dime a dozen? He'd be fired like Don Imus and Rush Limbaugh. He made the comments towards Native women so nobody said anything about, except me in some emails which were ignored. Racism towards Native people is so engrained in American society that people didn't see anything wrong with it. They were raised that way.

Also, to acknowledge what the United States did to the Native people would be to say that the US was based on evil. "Proud Americans" don't want to do that. They don't want to be "anti-American" so they don't dig into the attrocities or when they do, they sugar-coat it.

Example? My son brought home a Weekly Reader that actually celebrated Columbus! For those of you that are thinking, "so what." You have had that racism so engrained in you that YOU don't realize how wrong that is. Columbus was a rapist, murderer, slave trader and more.... To make little Native children celebrate that man is the same as making little Jewish children celebrate Hitler! It is so WRONG! That Weekly Reader sugar-coated that evil by saying Columbus did some bad things but he also did so many good things.... WRONG!

Nobody said much about that Weekly Reader because that racism towards Native people is so engrained in American society....

So now you have teachers that just regurgitate the same stuff that they have had handed down to them from their parents and teachers all the way back from the guys who actually committed the attrocities.

Sure, there are some enlightened teachers that teach some of the truths, but many of the topics are controversial so they don't dwell too much or give the topic the time it deserves.

Example? How does a teacher teach a bunch of Christian children that the Reverend Colonel Chivington murdered women and children in the name of God? "Nits make lice."

I think it's getting better but until people open their eyes and question what they were taught, it will be a long road my friend.

Check out this cool Youtube video that attempts to open eyes about Native Mascots....

Check out this Youtube video that teaches about the strength and beauty of Native women....
Reply:I agree, it needs to be taught.
Reply:I would like to add from what I have been taught that the French were the ones who introduced scalping not Native Americans. They do not teach that in American History classes either, or what the Trail of Tears was all about concerning the Cherokee.
Reply:Unfortunately, our world is forever changing. People fight for their place in it. Some win and sadly some must lose. I am one of the "white" people. My wife is part Creek and Cherokee and therefore so are my kids. I have always found early American history fascinating and was taught in school about the differences between the societies. I was not taught that the settlers were all good moral people. I was taught that the colonists did take advantage of the fact that the Indians didn't live by land ownership. None of this is simply good vs bad. It was two totally different societies colliding with tragic results for the Indians. As for history being written, I am from the south and fully understand that the whole truth is not told. The Civil War was fought for economical reasons. Obviously I don't believe in slavery, but do believe it was an afterthought for war propaganda. I believe people are victorious and people are conquered. The question is not whether it was fair but can we all get along as Americans now. I certainly hope so.
Reply:I was taught some of those things in school... but what would you suggest I read to learn more?
Reply:Sadly, it's a "white man's world" %26amp; it will b as long as those crooked politicans r running it. I know, it's BULLSHIT
Reply:denial my friend, just denial. is like if a vicious convicted killer would say "yes, i did it", who wants to admit shame on itself. that is why my heart also goes to mexico.
Reply:who wants to admit they commited cultural genocide apon the very people who welcomed them to their land . I think its a guilt complex


THANK YOU for seeing it too.

The United States Government has never wanted we the people to know the great injustice that was done to our people and of and any people that were brought into this country against their will. The motto of this land when Europeans stepped foot on this land to make a better life for themselves,and because they didn't know or understand the ways of our people they destroyed the land and tried to killed off the native people of the land,so they could have it all to themselves.

That's how I feel
Reply:some of it but not all of it....i see what youre saying

complain to the school board thats all you can do
Reply:I don't know, it should be. I believe that truth should always be taught. I didn't know anything about the Indians treatment by the white man until I dated an Indian man about 18 years ago. All I had ever known was what the westerns showed. I think the Native Americans should get a bigger, stronger lobby. God bless you.
Reply:because unfortunately natives weren't then nor are we now considered people.still today we are denied many rights taken for granted by everyone else.still does white society try and impose this sorry way of living called "civilization" on native peoples.i say sorry way of living because i don't,cant see what is so civilized in it.what and where is the civility in lying,cheating,stealing as well as attempted genocide?

a good book to read is "custer died for your sins:an indian manifesto written by vine deloria. warning not for those who cant handle the truth or at least a truer look at white society.
Reply:i dont know but something needs to be done about it!
Reply:You are right! It is a travesty of justice. They teach about slavery and all its atrocities, but the only things that are mentioned of our people is about Squanto showing the white man corn or something! I think that people just like to play ostrich sometimes and stick their heads in the sand. If they don't know about it, then they don't have to think about it or be ashamed of it. I guess no country wants to admit to near genocide.
Reply:Aho! brother. I am tsalagi, I take it your Lakota? Please forgive me if I'm wrong. I would love to talk to you some more. It seems we have alot in common. Wado for posting this.
Reply:*Crazy Horse*.... Whoa! .... slow down, take a deep breath and listen VERY carefully..... "The victor writes the history"!

If the Seven Tribes had won the Indian Wars in the 1800s, we'd have totally different history books.

The ironic thing is that the only Americans living on LEGALLY obtained land are those living on the island of Manhattan. Every other American is living on illegally occupied land that was given, in treaty after treaty, to the Native Tribes "as long as the grass shall grow and the sun shall shine."

Then they were violently subdued and displaced into the refugee camps where they still live.

But one thing the Native Tribes can be thankful for (in a strange way) is that they WERE concentrated in the refugee camps where they could pass on their heritage and, against all odds, keep their culture alive.

The Jews faced even greater odds and regained their homeland after two thousand years.

Be true to your gods and your land will be returned to you as well ..... Be strong!
Reply:Unfortunately, history is always written by the victorious - in this case, the "white man". The oppressor is never going to willing admit that they did any wrong - at least not until a long period of time has passed.

It doesn't make it right, but this is the way it HAS been - but as a society, it is our duty to learn the truth!

Our modern society is much more understanding than it ever has been - and there are a lot of us who know that we aren't being told the whole truth. History at least is willing to touch on these subjects - it is up to the individual to take it to the next step.

Part of the reason such atrocities are not taught in school is that "they" (meaning the schools) don't want to touch on such "sensitive" subjects - which is also why they never go into detail about the Holocaust either...
Reply:Actually I was taught those things in school. There are lots of innaccuracies in our history classes across the country, though (including the one you mentioned).

I think its sad when our history is changed to suit the needs of others, and I agree with your frustration.
Reply:a little angry I see. I did learn about it no matter what you think I didn't learn in school. and it was painfully obvious. those who choose to believe there is no other side are truly ignorant. the board of education and the parents control what the students get to hear. if parents don't want their kids to learn about the gruesome side of history then that is what happens. every war that we engage in has its ugly side. war and battles are never a win.
Reply:Simple, the "winners" write the history....
Reply:its because white people "settled" this land and they also ended up being the ones who wrote the history books. i read this one book about the native americans and it was US history according to them and it seemed alot more true than the white mans history book. i used to complain about this in my school days and the teachers would just ignore it or go on the white mans side.
Reply:You are wrong, it was taught in my high school school. BTW, Hitler was worse, and he would have had your people exterminated too, he only wanted arian type people to live. If you are so angry about the past why don't you become a teacher or a documentary film producer and get it out to the world?
Reply:Damn Strait! White Power!

Answer me Christians, (Pagans are invited to Comment)?

Read the Following completely or don’t read anything at all: -

1.Christ was executed in 0 A.D. and in late 300 A.D. did the Roman citizens convert,(before that none of their middle class or rulers converted) This was because Constantine took the help of the Slaves and Civil servants of the lower rung who had converted because they had no political say, and after Constantine captured power he Forced all the Romans to convert or else Die.

2.People of France , and other North Eastern European countries were Nordic, Celtic etc. after the Roman Catholic Church defeated them they converted the political class by force, but the Masses did not convert, after which the Church imposed high agricultural tax on all the Non Christians and exempted those people who were Christian that is why these people were forced to convert (economical coercion).

3.People of Spain were not Christians, when defeated by Roman Catholic Church Did not see the Light so the Church used The Spanish Rack(torture device) on 100000 people and these victims were publicly tortured after which Spaniards saw the Light and Converted.

4.The Red Indians Dominated U. S. A. in the 1500 A.D. when the pilgrims came, they(red Indians) did not see light so the Church handed out Cholera Blankets which resulted in the mass Genocide of 2 million Red Indians and now they are a minority.

What I want to say from my above statements is your religion has throughout History been imposed rather than people flocking

Towards it , to prove my statements I shall say that in India many Christian missionaries are there and everybody knows that Hindus are more Docile than Cows yet Majority they have not converted , The Majority of Buddhist have not converted (they are the brother of Hindus)

Many people in African countries are converting mainly the famine stricken tribals the B.B.C channel has shown how Christian Evangelical Organizations are converting these people By offering 100 $ to each convertee,

Use simple Logic if Europe overnight saw the light and converted peacefully just by reading the Bible then the same effect it should have had in Asia all should have converted yet they haven’t

Nowadays more poor people from Africa and poor countries are thronging to convert for Economical Bribes.

Many people who are middle class and upper middle class of India(about 300 million ) are not converting on mass scale even when most of them have knowledge of the Bible . So In my opinion if Constantine would not have been there You would have been a small sect even Know because Historically it has been proven that Thousands f other people have not flocked to you religion and no Race Civilization or Culture HaD ever Invited the Church in their Society.

And Only Countries Defeated By The Church and Christians have citizens who have converted.

Answer me Christians, (Pagans are invited to Comment)?
Completely agree. If your religion is really the truth then let people find it themselves.
Reply:All those statistics do not have reputable, verifiable evidence to support them. Therefore, the point is moot.
Reply:All that, and not a single question. What did I miss?
Reply:I read your claims and they are true and well founded. Your insight has great merit, and truth to it. I only have this to add to your statements of fact. More innocent people have died in the name of Christianity than any other cause throughout history. It seems that the true message is not getting through. It's about LOVE and PEACE, not DEATH and TAXES. God never asked for money, land, wealth, riches or fanatical followers; he asked that all humankind endowed with freewill choose of their own volition to follow him. It is the madness of MEN that these things have transpired. Such will be his WRATH at the awakening. No one man,one culture, one country, or united group of countries has the ownership of Christianity, and with so many interpretations, factions, sects and denominations within religion, they are all wrong, and have fallen into the madness of fanatical religion. I'm sorry for them all, for they know not what they have done and will do in the name of religion. If one look to a religion and people that have and still walk in the light; look to the followers of BUDDHA, and the Dahlia Llama; and if Hindu's are their brothers, then some of the TRUE concepts of GOD have reach a small portion of humanity.

I will see you on the other side, after the awakening and we can talk to eternity's end on the follies of MAN; for you have opened your eyes and you have seen the truth..
Reply:I don't see a question here, only an editorial. Be nice, though, if you had your facts straight. Logic doesn't work if you have faulty facts or assumptions.

To start with, Christ was crucified around 33 AD, though the dating is iffy by 3 or 4 years either way because the Romans and Jews used different calendars and the Gregorian calendar was adopted much later.

Constantine was already a candidate for emperor before his conversion following the defeat of Maxsentius in AD 312. The subsequent state adoption of the faith may, however, have been the worst thing that every happened to the church (in my opinion). It opened to door to all kinds of corruption and abuse, including the Inquisition, forced conversions, anti-semitism, etc., none of which an honest Christian denies and is not sorry for.

It is, however, incorrect to say that the Roman Catholic Church conquered France or Spain or the British Isles. Europe was conquered by the Roman empire (Julius Caesar : "All Gaul is divided into three parts...") several decades before Christ was born. Christianity spread there, and eastward into India and north thru Greece and Macendonia into Russia rapdily during the first century, long before it became a 'legitimate' and officially sanctioned faith. Converts were made my the persuasive arguments of the gospel -- as they are today, the bribery of a scant few unscrupulous 'missionaries' aside (if you take the BBC story at face value -- I do not.)

If anything or anyone was conquered, it was the Church, as wave after wave of 'barbarians' assaulted the Empire. The Church was also 'conquered' by its accommodation and adoption of many pagan practices after Constantine.

People convert to any religion (or become atheists) for a variety of reasons. Real conversion to Christianity is based on one's reaction to Christ and the validity of His resurrection, not the historical record of those who have claimed to follow Him. (On the other hand, for everyone who has abused the name of Christ, there are a hundred or more who have lived faithfully. But they don't make many headlines because good behavior doesn't sell newspapers.) The abuses of some who SAY they are adherents of any given faith do not negate the validity of that faith any more than the abuse of driving privileges negate the value of the automobile.

I'd suggest you look at the source material -- the Bible -- and forget this revisionist horse hockey.
Reply:No problem,. mate. We don't want you in our church anyway, so no one's going to try and convert you. Please..just stay where you are and keep away from us Christians, we DON'T WANT YOU!
Reply:I agree with you; I'm pagan, and only sought Christianity at a time in my life when I was too naive to know there were alternatives. However, there is no question in this posting, so why are you here??? What are you wanting us to "answer"?
Reply:I don't know what to say but to laugh at your master the Devil

he is a failure just like you.

You better think of Jesus now that you have breath on your nose

I will say Christians has been the most peaceful on planet Earth that we stay or live on.

I will say there is still hope for you to repent.

However I mark your question Bad, because your summaries are what you and your master plan as the next target to get those who are not solid in the faith, and those who are yet to convert.

I bet you, if you don't stop, you will end like this, and the next thing is hell.

Repent and follow Jesus while you breathe yet
Reply:I am confused
Reply:Errrr.... excuse me... It seems that your pointing so much to the Roman Catholic Religion....

Technically... Roman Catholic is just a sub-category for Christianity.

So next time please point out to catholicism only...

Jed B.

Reply:Likewise you could explain the current trend of conversion to Christianity in the US as social coercion.
Reply:That's just foolishness.
Reply:Coercion never converted anybody, except those who had something to gain or lose from it. Then I would question legitimacy of such conversions. The reality is that the church was spread just fine before Constantine made it the official religion of the Roman Empire. It had grown so powerful, that it was becoming a threat to his powerbase. In a matter of 300 years, Christianity had converted as much as 10% of the Roman Empire and had expanded well into India and was making its way into China without the help of conquering armies and imperial decrees.

What happened when Constantine made it the official religion, it stifled the growth of Christianity, rather than bolstering it. Christianity became a cultural norm, and with that, came all the baggage of politics and coercion that get attached to it. Almost immediately, power players latched on to the faith and saw it as a way of political gain. This same pattern is observable all through history: look at the Church of England history, Colonial America, and other theocratic states that were set up. It is also true that people have used the name of Christ to conquer others, such as the episodes you mention above and the crusades to name a few. There are many dark chapters in the history of Christianity, but that doesn't make it all bad. And I’d say this is not at all the way Christ would have tried to expand the faith, but rather using the methods missionaries like the apostle Paul used.

Now I disagree with you on the basis of modern conversions. China is a prime example. Christianity is growing there at a rate never before seen in history. After Mao attempted to eradicate religion from China, he set up what would become the one of the most spiritually hungry places on earth. Nobody is making the Chinese come to Christ through coercion, and in fact the government goes through extreme measure to stop the spread of Christianity. Even at 3%, there are 36 million Christians in China, and that was 12 years ago. The Joshua Project estimates that there are about 96,600,000 Christians in China in 2006. In 1980, there were less than 1,000,000 Christians. That means 9600% growth has happened in 26 years. One cannot simply brush that under the rug.

Also, in southern Sudan, there are people coming to the Christian faith in droves too. I think this has a lot to do with their surroundings. Sudan is war torn by different factions of politics fighting. On the other hand though, there are Christian relief organizations attempting to help the Sudanese. If the alien faith is trying to bring peace, and you want peace, then you would embrace the alien faith that brings peace. The Sudanese Christians are still persecuted and still impoverished, but their conversions aren’t a result of bribes as you propose. It may be true that there are some people who bribe people into accepting their faith, but I don't think that represents the majority or even a significant portion of conversions.
Reply:When you read English history it is full of stories of people having their heads hacked off or being burnt at the stake for either because they were catholic and there was protestant on the throne, or you were protestant and there was a catholic on the throne. (The Tudors are a classic example,The Catholic queen " Bloody" Mary really lived up to her name )But woe betide you if you said you were a non-believer in those times too. How tragic that all those people died because of mindless superstition.
Reply:First of all you don't know History, Christ was crucified in 32 AD. Secondly there is a huge difference in Catholics and those who have traditionally followed Christ. Jesus never counseled His followers to be warlike. In one instance when they asked Him if they should command fire to come down from Heaven and devour their adversaries, He responded "I came to kill and destroy but to save". Those of us in the small remnant who follow His word, do not kill. We have never done so, there was always just a remnant of true Christians and then the others like Constantine who blended many pagan traditions with a misture of the words of Christ and called themselves Christians. Don't be fooled. I honestly don't blame you all for thinking such things, but we real Christians are just a small, small group.
Reply:I do not see that you asked a question that anyone can answer. All you have done is given us a history lesson, coupled with a lesson on comparative religion. Ask a question, get an answer.
Reply:very sad history and true - and still the Christians want to condem us Pagans!

It's 1846. You are heading west, what will you take?

It's 1846. You are heading West for whatever reason.

Your Conestoga Wagon is one of the smaller farm type. It's only about three to four feet wide, about seven to eight feet long, and can carry about twenty-five hundred pounds (about the size of a standard Chevy pick'up).

You have a family of four, mom, dad, and two small kids.

What will you bring?

Food/Water/Cooking Equipment?

Protection from Indians or other westwards (weaponry)? Possessions/Clothes? Tools/Medicine/Blankets? Extra Wheels? A Pig?

Remember to take total weight into consideration. (max 25 hundred pounds.) (not including people)

Best list gets best answer-

and my endless gratitude for the help!

It's 1846. You are heading west, what will you take?
I wouldn't take the wife and kids. I would leave them with family until I could make enough to support them in California.

If I HAVE to take them I would take food, water, soap, sanitary supplies ( you women had it NASTY back then), chickens for the eggs, fishing tackle and a rifle. We don't need the pig we can hunt for game and fish.
Reply:food, water, cooking equip

weapon(s) of some type

tools (minimum, poss to fix a broken spoke)

clothes - you have very little but you must layer

blankets - high value for their weight %26amp; can trade if nec.

-%26gt;forget the pig and take dried meat/ jerky (you don't have to feed it and it's not noisy %26amp; can't run away)

a small mirror (useful for the wife, HIGH trade value)

any high-value small possession such as gold or watch (not everyone has these)

tobacco if you have it - again, trade value

there is no such thing as medicine - not as we know it!

this is why i didn't go West in a covered wagon - never would have made it past the Missouri !
Reply:Mmmmm sounds like homework to me.

Tell us what you have in your list already and we'll agree or add - we won't do it for you.
Reply:maybe a slave or two

flower deliveries

Few Questions to Christians?

1)Were Adam and Eve Black,White,Chinese,Hispanic or Multiracial.

2)Human Bones found 20000 years ago Show that our Teeth were Twice as bigger then as they are now our Jawline was bigger and a little Different and our Little finger on our hands and legs were longer then they are now.(the Bones have been conclusively proved to be Human not Apes) What do you have to say?

3)Will the Red Indians in America Who were killed by Chorela Blankets under Order of the Church, and many of their Tribes who were Massacered go to Hell.

4)Will the Victims of the A Bombs in Japan go to Hell whereas the Victims of Nepalm Bombing in Dresden(Germany) will go to Heaven.

5)Will your God cast out more than 4 Billion people in Hell without seeing whether they have been Good or Bad in their life, but ontheir Religious belief.

6)And Do you really think that the present Culture of Western World in Any way sets an Example of Christian Values for other christian Adherents anywhere. Atleast Practice what you preach

Few Questions to Christians?
1) black

2) That's a hoax. Charles Darwin was the antichrist.

3) Yes, they'll all go to Hell for not giving money to the church.

4) They'll all go to Hell if they didn't give money to the church.

5) Yes, because He is righteous, and 4 billion people are not.

6) No, we need to take over the government, kill all the Pagans, Muslims, Jews, and Catholics, and anyone else who can't give the church at least $50,000.

Reply:All of this is my personal opinion

1)Were Adam and Eve Black,White,Chinese,Hispanic or Multiracial.

Honestly, I think they might have been a bit on the brown side. Eden is rumored to have been near the Euphrates, and no white man came from that area.

2)Human Bones found 20000 years ago Show that our Teeth were Twice as bigger then as they are now our Jawline was bigger and a little Different and our Little finger on our hands and legs were longer then they are now.(the Bones have been conclusively proved to be Human not Apes) What do you have to say?

Haven't heard that and, frankly, it doesn't change my view of the world.

3)Will the Red Indians in America Who were killed by Chorela Blankets under Order of the Church, and many of their Tribes who were Massacered go to Hell.

Don't think so.

4)Will the Victims of the A Bombs in Japan go to Hell whereas the Victims of Nepalm Bombing in Dresden(Germany) will go to Heaven.

Don't think so.

5)Will your God cast out more than 4 Billion people in Hell without seeing whether they have been Good or Bad in their life, but ontheir Religious belief.

Don't think so. To answer the three questions like this, I believe that God also looks at how we lived our lives and, when we die, we are filled with the truth. If someone does not have the opertunity to accept Jesus and God in life, then why would God punish that person? He's more forgiving then that.

6)And Do you really think that the present Culture of Western World in Any way sets an Example of Christian Values for other christian Adherents anywhere. Atleast Practice what you preach

A bit lost on that one. I think that it's important to lead by example. Live the life that Jesus did, and all will see us for the good we do. There will always be bad apples, but I can only hope that the good ones out weigh them.
Reply:Ask your god.
Reply:If your questions are answered, I'd be curious what exactly would change in your life. Your questions lack revelance.
Reply:1. The Bible does not say but in reality, we're all descendants of Noah and his family. They were racially diverse.

2. You have no credible evidence for the accuracy of the date nor DNA to prove they were from humans. Remember, there are mutations in all species so don't fret over it.

3. I don't know but their murderers might go to hell if they weren't forgiven.

4. Only God knows who will go to heaven or hell. It is not for man to know whom.

5. That is a question for God, not men. Have you asked Him?

6. Christ is the standard to live by. Not any men.
Reply:1. Why does it matter what "race" they were?

2. No one claimed that God didn't create us using evolution.

3. Only God judges, we don't know.

4. See answer #3.

5. God sees if we're good or evil every second of every day. By the time we die, He knows. The overwhelming majority of us, Christians included, won't be found "good" by God's standards. That's why we need a relationship with Him and His Grace.

6. Most Christians will agree, the Western world can claim to be Christian all it wants to, it's actions don't match it's claims. We can only do our best individually to follow Jesus. Our governments are falling short would be a poor excuse to ignore our Savior.
Reply:to many questions, ask yourself, in prayer
Reply:I am a christian who believe that the creation of Adam and Eve was a special creation that would bring the Christ into the world. I can not justify the evidence of the natural world with just what story we are given in the Bible, though I believe what the Bible teaches is the truth. The Bible is not a history book nor a book of science. It is a book of faith. Just because the Bible doesn't tell the full story of creation doesn't mean the outline doesn't contain the truth. I know it took multi millions of years for the earth to become what it is. This at one time put me in a hard place. But why couldn't or wouldn' t God prepare the world for His children with natural creation. Seems logical to me that there was a lot more going on than God explained to men. Moses had very limited knowledge and very limited ability to understand all that God had done so the outline Moses was given is limited. As far as your question on salvation. The bible teaches that is comes thru faith in Jesus Christ, and by His grace. No respecter of person if any of your example met this qualification they are saved. If they refuse then they are not. I think the message I have just told you in REFUSE. It looks as though, so far anyway, you refuse. Will God know who would have excepted Him is told YES.. God be the judge here. Present Western Culture and for that matter past Western behavior is not Christian and has nothing to do with Christ or those who believe on Him. True political christian as often right wing republicans. Still politics has nothing to do with faith. They are separate thing and most Western nations want it that way. If you don't most Islamic nations had no such ideas maybe you would be happier there.... Jim

u tell those christian dumbf*cks
Reply:1. It doesn't matter.

2. Carbon dating is flawed.

3. Anyone who dies without accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior will not get into Heaven.

4. Same answer as #3.

5. Anyone in hell will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

6. Some does, most does not.
Reply:#1 Sun changes your skin color.

#2 How do you know they were 20,000 years old? Mutation happens, God is smart. Evolution doens't. My dad was not King Kong.

3-5 Only God can judge

#6 only God can tell me how to act, not religion.

What are your thoughts about the Chemically infected FEMA trailers?

My thoughts come to this...The Federal Government wants Indian lands and as I have read it is time once again for ethnic cleansing!....this reminds me of when they supplied my ancestors with blankets from their dead to spread smallpox they want to give these Infected FEMA trailers to people on Pine Ridge....WTF?....Funny they were refused the trailers when FEMA's director said they had to be moved East in case they were case of storm emergencies or winter...whoever heard of them bringing trailers after a blizzard?....It is said that once the news came out that Katrina Victims were getting sick due to formaldehyde(in the trailers) only than they wanted to send them to PINE RIDGE and other Nations...Don't they (government) know that ....Once again the Lakota are on the receiving end of sickness from the government because of the minerals in their land!.... will this ever end?

What are your thoughts about the Chemically infected FEMA trailers?
SEE. . and not too long ago ol blue eyes was complaining "how come the indians get em!?!?!?"

See this sh!t whitey, THIS is STILL going on. The WAR isn't over, and it WONT be over until they feel they killed us ALL.

WHAT they WONT understand is the word DEFECTIVE.

That's ALL they govt EVER 'gave' us. From housing all the way down to food.

Sure the sheep WILL make up excuses, they HAVE to. It's the ONLY way they can sleep at night.

As for 'AID' they're perfectly willing to turn a blind eye to the BILLIONS going OUT of this country, but heaven forbid they help US out. . . . and they wonder why we don't TRUST them.

we WANTED reservations?!?! ROFLMAO

JESUS Freakin Christ!!!

are you REALLY that DENSE???

wanted reservations. . . SOMEBODY PLEASE SCHOOL THIS MORON!!!
Reply:A chemical can not infect anything only a living organism. A chemical can permeate something and make it dangerous but infection is a product of a live organism.
Reply:The point of your 'question' is to lambaste the government. Formaldehyde is in all new carpets. I have lived in a new trailer, and the fumes are sickening if the trailer is kept tightly closed. Even new carpet installed in regular homes is chemically loaded. That's how it's manufactured. Better venting and exchanges of fresh air with locked in trailer air will prevent illness from any fumes from new materials inside.

As for the Lakota, and other Indian victimizations you refer to, I don't believe the government did such things, whatever did happen was by individuals with evil and hate in their heart and mind. There's a lot of that going around.

The Indians wanted their own reservations, yet they still want the government to help. There's a big world out there, get out and enjoy it.

My husband's mother was a Blackfoot, so I'm not against Indians. Try to rid your heart of bitterness and let the sun and love of God shine in. May God bless you.
Reply:Simple fix vent the trailers.
Reply:FEMA is as incompetent as that other idiot they had running Katrina, "Browny".... and they fired "browny" after Bush told him "Great Job"..It wasn't great, it's tragic and those people should file suit against the Government but OH Yes.Bush says we can't do that either now any more, ever since 9/11....So those poor people will have to go after the manufacturer themselves and get no where. This is tragic, it's children for Gods sake! It will end when we the people get off our collective butts and vote Congress out, all of them, until they listen and take care of WE THE PEOPLE, instead of big corp America...their benefactors..who pay them off to not change this stuff. Shame on them for doing this to those people, and the babies,. my heart aches for them..

WE need to impeach this man who assumes he is King..before he causes us more shame and trouble and death..
Reply:it amazes me how people can be consciously evil. This is why I am a religious man. There has to be a God because as your story proves there is a Devil. Awful and astonishing.

Anybody wanna read a story?

wrote this the other day... tell me what u think!!

Chapter 1

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I looked over, 7:48, CRAP!!!, school starts at 8:15. I rolled out of bed and into the shower, not even opening my eyes. The water hadn’t warmed up yet and it was freezing. Well, at least I was awake now. My eyes burst open and I washed my hair and quickly shut off the water, not even bothering to do the rest of my body. I half dried myself off and threw on the first thing I saw in the top drawer. I rushed downstairs packed my bag, grabbed my purse and said goodbye to my mom, dad, and little sister.

In the car, I turned on the radio and listened to Steve and Jesse. My mom and I had been listening to them since I was about seven. I reached in my purse and pulled out a few energy bars. At a red light, I unwrapped a bar and took a bite out of it. It tasted like tar, but it was better than nothing. I turned into my best friend’s neighborhood; her parents had taken her license away for an unfair speeding ticket she’d gotten last week. I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting outside.

“What happened?” she smiled, “You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago!”

“Get in,” I moaned.

She opened the passenger door and looked at my half open eyes, and the three energy bar wrappers on the floor of the 99 Maxima, “Overslept again?” she half teased, half asked.

“Oh yea, I’ve been up for about fifteen minutes” I said.

I backed up and scraped the bottom of the car on her driveway.

“UHHHH.” Maybe not such a great move.

“Oh my gosh, you do that every time”

I laughed and made a face at her.

“We’re gonna be so late.”

“Oh well.”

Chapter 2

At school, Claire and I walked over and sat down with David, Seth, Gray, Lauren, Jo, Holley, Ricky, and Jordan.

“Whoa, said Lauren, you better come with me.”

Lauren walked me into the deserted girls’ bathroom. She went into a stall and took off her shirt and handed it to me, it was a teal tank top, she handed me a white cap sleeve undershirt with a V- neck that went perfectly with the hoop neck of the tank top.

“Here,” she said, “This matches your skirt much better than a red T-shirt,” For the first time today I looked down at what I was wearing. I felt embarrassed that I had even walked outside in this horrific outfit. I laughed, thanked her and pulled the shirt over my head and replaced it with the super cute and moderately tight tank top. Lauren came out with the red t-shirt on, it looked good on her. She cinched in the back with a ponytail holder and pulled my makeup bag out of my purse.

“OK, you do eyes, I’ll do lips and cheeks.”

“Thank you,” I stammered again.

“Hey, what are friends for? Rough morning? Ha, you have to start getting to bed earlier”

I closed my eyes and laughed. “Lauren, I love you.”

“Hey, no moving,” she said as she put the finishing touches on my lipgloss, “Now hurry up, we’ve got ten minutes.”

I pulled out the eyeliner and went to work. I finished just before the bell went off. I hugged Lauren and left for first period, WORLD HISTORY, uhhhh, my least favorite class.

Chapter 3

I walked into World History.

“Your Late,” said my teacher sternly.

“Sorry Mr.Hammond.” I said. I turned around and walked towards Claire, who had saved me a seat and rolled my eyes to her about the teacher.

“WOOW,” said Claire, “You look much better. Lauren fixed you up?”

“Yea, she’s a life saver.”

“SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!,” yelled Mr. Hammond.

“I swear, a drop of spit just flew from his mouth on the complete other side of the room and hit me in the eye!!”

I laughed. I laughed LOUD!! Mr. Hammond whipped around and glared at me. You know, Ms. Hamilton, I could give you a tardy for being two minutes late to my class for the third time in four days. You wouldn’t want detention again, now would you? He turned back around and so did I.

“OOOOOOOOOOPS!” I mouthed to Claire.

She rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

* * *

At lunch, I met up with the rest of the group.

“SOOOOOOOOOOOO, what’s the news with you and Nathon?” Jo asked me. (OK, I know Jo sounds like a guy name, but it’s short for Jordan)

Everyone leaned forward and a wide smile spread over Claire’s face. I had called her last night to tell her the news.

“Well, I told you that we went to the movies on Saturday, right?” Everyone nodded. “After that, he called me and we talked until two in the morning. Then, on Sunday, we talked on IM and he asked me out. We went on our first date last night.”

The guys leaned back and took a bite out of their sandwiches, but all the girls gasped.

“SO?” Jordan (other Jordan) smiled.

“Well, he took me to dinner, and then he took me to the mall and got one of the vendors to distract me while he slipped into the jewelry store and bought me this necklace”

I held it up so everyone can see. It was red diamonds in the shape of a heart with one white diamond in the middle. On the clasp in the back, was a capital “N” for Nathon. I assumed the diamonds were fake, but they looked incredibly real. When I looked down at it, I felt the same way I had when he snuck up behind me, and put it on. It took my breath away.

That’s when I noticed that I had the absolute perfect life. A family that loved me, friends that I cared about and I could tell anything, and that I feel the same way about. AND, I had a totally sweet boyfriend who only wants me to be happy. At that moment, I was truly happy. Little did I know, that all of that could change in just a second.

Chapter 4

“AWWW, that’s sooo sweet, thank you!”

“You hang up first. NO YOU!!, NO!! I’m not gonna hang up, you have to. OK bye!!”

“THANK YOU!!” said Claire, she was sitting on the floor, propped up against the bed, holding a world history text book. “Now what pages of this book are we supposed to know for next week. Ummm, let me check, I pulled out my agenda and flipped it to today.

“Pages 234-251, wow, we’ve go a lot of work to do.”

“Let’s get started,” said Claire with fake enthusiasm. “Let’s read over this and then we’ll quiz each other when we’re done”


We read quietly for about 4 minutes before Claire interrupted my train of thought.

“SO WAIT, Christopher Columbus was actually Portuguese, but he sailed for Spain???”


“Why?” she said

“Well, if you would actually read the rest of the material, you would know that the Portuguese cheapskates they call royalty wouldn’t give him any money to sail, so he turned around and asked the Spanish Queen for money and she gave it to him. I bet Portugal felt pretty stupid after that he discovered a new continent and all,”

“I don’t blame them for not funding his little trip thingy, Christopher Columbus was a jerk. HE KILLED INDIANS!”

“Okay, he was a jerk, but if he hadn’t had been born, America might not be here now.”

“Yes it would be, Amerigo Vespucci is the one that deserves the credit, I bet none even knows who HE is.”

“Pshhhhh, whatever, just go back to the book,” I answered with a smile, and we again went into silence

Chapter 5

On Friday, I was a little better at getting up than on the day before. I woke up at 6:30 sharp. I got out of bed and went to turn the hot water while I carefully picked out today’s outfit. I laid it out and went to get in the shower. In was nice and warm. Better than yesterday. I finished in the shower and put on the outfit. I turned towards the mirror and looked at myself, much better than yesterday. I pulled my wet hair back and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

In the kitchen, I poured a bowl of cereal, sat down at the table and waited for the rest of my family to come in. Dad was the first .

“I see your awake this time, your getting better!”

I rolled my eyes. “HAHAHA!! DAD YOUR SOOOOO FUNNY YOU SHOULD WARN ME BEFORE YOU CRACK ONE LIKE THAT!!” I joked sarcastically. I looked over at him and laughed, for real this time. He was not too amused. Then Michelle walked into the room. She yawned. Her hair was frazzled and she looked like I did yesterday.

“How’s it goin’?” I asked her.

“Muchucachidoskqla,” was her response.

“Hmmm,” I said, “Well tell me how that goes.”

“ielkkvfdfo shower”

I finished my cereal and walked upstairs. Michelle was there. Her hair was wet and straightened out again.

“AHH, I feel better”

I laughed, and finished brushing my teeth. I glanced over at the clock, 7:19. Okay, I need to leave at 7:40, I let my hair down and started to dry it. Then I put my makeup on and went downstairs. Mom had set out my sandwich and chips, my drink was in the fridge. I packed it in a lunchbox and set it on the counter. Then I went over and packed my book bag.

I put it in the car and drove to Claire’s. She wasn’t waiting outside today. I went up to the door and her mother motioned for me to come in.

“Claire’s upstairs, sweetie, would you like a piece of toast?”

“No thanks Mrs. Tortan, I’m just going to go upstairs and see Claire” I responded

“Okay honey; tell me if you need anything”

* * *

“Claire??, cmon, are you ready?”

I walked by her room and noticed her long, lean body standing in the middle, applying finishing touches to her lipgloss. She smacked her lips together and looked over at me.

“Your early,” she said. “I’m almost ready, hold on”

Chapter 6

Nathon called after school.

“Leanne,” he sighed into the phone.

“Yes?” I asked, afraid that he was going to dump me. “What’s up?”

“I….I’m in jail”

“What???” I yelled loudly.

I heared my mom drop her fork downstairs. I didn’t even care.

“What do you mean your in jail? You…You can’t be in jail….You’ve got good grades, you’ve got a life….You’ve got friends….You’ve got me!!!”

“I know, I know”

“Whaaaaa… WHAT?”

“I’m sorry okay?! I don’t need another person on my back!!”

“I’m coming down; they’ll let me in, right?”


“Well, I’m sorry, I’ve never been to jail before.”

“Just tell them you’re here to see Nathon Kingston” he said, and then hung up the phone.

“MOOOOM!, I’m going to go to Claire’s house, Okay???”

“Okay, say hi to her mom for me. Are you spending the night?”

“No, I’ll be back in a couple hours, Bye”

* * *

In the car, I couldn’t breath. So many questions were racing through my head.

What did he do? Why did he do it? Could I have stopped it? Does his mom kn…

My cell phone rang. I reached down to answer it. I accidentally ran through a red light. I heard a horn and looked up to see the headlights of a Mack Truck headed straight toward me. Then, blackness.

* * *

I awoke to a beeping machine and a white room. My mom was sitting nervously in a chair beside my bed, biting her nails and rocking back and forth. When she saw my eyes opening she jumped up and gasped.

“Whaa… What time is it.” I mumbled groggily.

“It’s 5:30 in the afternoon honey. We got a call from the hospital at 9:00 on Friday night. They said you were in a car wreck. It’s now Sunday. We.. We were just glad you were alive.”

A nurse walked in. She was wearing a white cloak and carrying a clipboard.

“Your awake!!” She said. “You’ve been in a coma for almost 2 days now.”

“Wait, 2 days?”


I looked over. Lauren, Seth, Gray, Holley, Ricky, Erin, and Caroline were standing in the door, holing flowers, get well cards, and balloons. They came over quietly and the nurse stepped out to give the group some privacy.

“Holy Crap!” said Lauren. “Oh, Leanne, you’re a walking disaster!”

I laughed; I could tell I had scratches on my face from the way it stung when I smiled. They must have seen me wince, because their smiles fell off their faces when I did so. I tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal.

“We bought you some balloons!!!” said Lauren. Everyone laughed.

“Oh Lauren, you always know what to say.” Said Erin.

Caroline was fiddling with her phone in her hands. I remembered that hospitals make her nervous. Her dad had died 10 months after being admitted from cancer when she was nine. It must have taken a lot of courage for her to even walk through the door. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to hug all of them. I wanted to stand up and kiss them all on the cheek, but I couldn’t because me leg was wrapped up on gaws and hurt terribly.

Then, I thought of Nathon and about what happened on Friday night. I wondered if I had dreamed it. I laid there thinking about him sitting in his cell, alone, eating cold soup with a spoon; wondering why I never came to visit. Hopefully he was up for bail and his parents had come to pick him up. Then why wasn’t he here? Claire had his number and surely would have called him? Wouldn’t she have? That’s silly. Of course she would have! I looked up at her smiling face. Ricky had said something funny that I hadn’t caught. Everyone was laughing. Her curly black hair was tied up in a ponytail on the back of her head. Her teeth were white and straight; she had never had braces; she had never needed them. She wasn’t wearing any makeup; she didn’t need that either.

“Hey!” I said seriously. Everyone stopped smiling and looked at me. “What happened to Nathon? Did they let him out?”

“No,” Claire said.

“He’s not on bail?? What did he do??” I was generally bewildered and reached for the necklace he had given me. It was not around my neck. I looked on the nightstand. It was not there either. They knew what I was looking for. I looked up, my eyebrows raised.

“Where is it?”

They all looked around, wondering who would have to tell me.

“They took it.” Said Caroline. My eyebrows raised even higher

“They? Care to elaborate?”

“The police did, It was evidence,” Holley finished.

“Evidence?? Evidence for what?”

“For Nathon’s case,” I opened my mouth, then closed it. I was a little still a little slow being in a coma.

“Leanne, he stole the necklace,” Said Claire.

“NO!” I said, “NO! he wouldn’t do it.”

“He loves you and knew you would love it, but do you think his job as a BILO bagger boy would cover it?”

“Well, how long is he in jail, can he get out on bail?

“Leanne, his bail is $10,000, do you think hid parents can afford that?”

“$10,000?” I yelled, “My God, for stealing a necklace?”

Just then the nurse rushed in. “Kids, I’m very sorry, but visiting hours are over. This girl needs her rest. She’s got 6 broken bones and she hasn’t had real food in 2 days. She’s also due for a blood pressure check.”

My friends looked sad to leave me, but in a way they looked relieved. They all came up and hugged me before they left.

“I’ll come tomorrow, okay?” said Claire.

I smiled and said that would be good.

Once everyone left, the nurse came up and took my blood pressure.

“I’m Anna, by the way. Are you hungry?”

“Yes mam” I said.

“I’ll get you some crushed ice, and if you can eat that without feeling queasy, I’ll give you some Saltines.”

Chapter 7

The nurse came in with the cup of crushed ice.

“CHEW this” she said, “Don’t let it melt in your mouth.”

I reached with my left hand to take the cup and noticed the IV sticking out of it. Then, I looked up at the beeping machine that was monitoring my heart rate. I must have looked bewildered because the nurse said, “You’re in a very serious medical condition, Ms. Hamilton, lucky to be alive with all of your limbs.” I shivered and looked down at my feet, which were covered by a blanket. I tried to wiggle my toes, but the pain in them was immense. Even though my friends bore bad news, I was sad that they had left so soon. With them here, I had almost forgotten about the slow, heavy, lurching pain that made me so weak.

I had finished my crushed ice and the nurse left me for 10 minutes to see what my body would do with it. She came back carrying, as promised, a box of Saltine crackers, and a juice box.

“I think it’s safe for you to eat this.” She smiled.

I took the snack from the nurse and looked at my mom, who had fallen asleep in the old chair next to my bed.

“Poor woman, Almost as torn up on the inside as you are on the outside about this. She hasn’t left this room or even slept since she got here on Friday. I ate a Saltine and sucked on the salt to make it crumble in my mouth. I very slowly took a sip of juice.

“2 questions,” I said. The nurse looked over at me. “Okay, what exactly is wrong with me? I mean, what’s broken?”

“You have two broken ribs, a fractured wrist, a shattered elbow, a dislocated knee cap, and a broken leg.”

“Hmm, that explains the awful pain I am in.”

Anna, as she liked me to call her, blinked and said, “Next question?”

“Umm, exactly how drugged up am I right now”

Anna laughed, “Very, if I gave you one more milliliter of morphine it would probably push you back into a coma, don’t worry though, I went to med school. I know what I’m doing.”

I smiled and got that tight feeling in my face again.

Anna handed me the remote to the small TV in the in the corner of the room. “You can watch something if you want to.” She said.

That’s when I looked across the room and noticed I had a roommate. She had no get well cards or worried parents around her bead. The machine next to her was beeping slowly and quietly.

“Whoa” I said, “Who’s that?”

Anna looked over. “That’s Cynthia,” she said, “She’s been here for a while, hasn’t woken up yet. Her parents are very hopeful although the doctors are not”

“Do you think she’ll wake up”

Anna shook her head. “She’s been asleep for 13 months, the family just needs to except that she is not going to wake up. I knew that girl before her accident, happy and healthy. She wouldn’t want to be living like this.”

“Her accident?” I asked, “What happened?”

“She fell 5 stories out a window of an office building right into the streets. As if that weren’t enough, she was then hit by a car moving at 40 miles an hour.” I cringed, that made my accident look like child’s play. Her face and arms were scared and bruised. Gosh, 13 months, that means this happened in December, right before Christmas. In December, my biggest problem was what I was going to get for my family for Christmas, or maybe even what I was going to wear to the high school dance. I certainly didn’t think about not living to see another Christmas.

I stopped and closed my mouth. Anna must have noticed the sadness in my eyes.

“Hmmmm,” she said, “Maybe she will wake up after all. I once read a story in the paper about a lady who was in a comma for 2 years before she woke up.”

“There’s a reason why that story made the news.” I grumbled.

The nurse turned around and handed me in the TV remote. “What Sweetie?” she asked

“Uh, nothing, nothing” I replied.

I turned the TV to my favorite channel. “What not to Wear” was on. I had been watching that show since I was a kid. That’s wear I had gotten all my fashion tips. Stacy and Clinton were throwing away a poor blonde girl’s wardrobe. She wasn;t fighting, like some of the other girls would, she was just standing to the side, almost in tears. Stacy looked over and dropped the ugly Beatles shirt she was making fun of.

“Hon, you will love us when we are done here. You see this,” Stacy said, “This is CRAP!”

“CRAP!” Clinton chimed in.

“You are better than this.” Stacy Concluded. “We are gonna get your outside…” She waved her fingers and motioned at the girl. “to match your inside…”

The girl looked up at Stacy, her mousy blonde hair in front if her face. “Ohhh, thank you,”

“Okay, well, we’ll take care of the rest of this stuff, now you go and start spending that $5,000.”

“Okay, thanks guys” the girl said, wiping off her tears and smiling.

The commercials came on and I surfed through the rest of the channels.

Then I noticed I had to use the bathroom. I called for Anna.

“Is there anyway I can get to the bathroom?”

She smiled pathetically and shook her head.

“Not in that condition, honey,” she said, and handed me a bedpan.

I rolled my eyes and put my eyes and decided I would wait a little more on that one.

Chapter 8

When I woke up the next day, my mom was standing over me, smiling. The smile was bittersweet, but it still felt good to be smiled at. I closed my eyes and opened them again after a few seconds. When I opened them again, my mom wasn’t looking at me any more. She was looking at the door. I turned to look. It was my dad and little sister were standing in it. Michelle looked disturbed; she came and sat by my bed.

I imagined what I must have looked like to her. She had always looked up to me for advice. Now I was stuck helpless in the hospital bed, just waiting for the nurse to come in and feed me. Like a little unmoving baby bird, just waiting for the mom to come home and toss a worm into its mouth. I felt the

Anybody wanna read a story?
No. But thanks for asking.
Reply:I really like it! Please write more, it was a really good story, is it a true story? If so, i hope you're okay! Report It

Reply:I really like it! Please write more, it was a really good story; i felt like i was in it! keep up the good work! Great job! Report It

Reply:two long too read.
Reply:I just read chapters 1 %26amp; 2 but those were amazing. Love it!! ♥ ♥ :) %26lt;3~
Reply:I was getting in to the story. Too bad you can only go up to chapter 8. Anyway, nice work!
Reply:thats really good- especially the last few chapters when the action came in, i absolutely loved it and it made me want to read more. keep up the good work :]

it actually felt like i was in the story. nicely done.

edit- a day later im still thinking of that story- its so good it makes you want to go back for more. keep going its lovely.
Reply:I just want to read the summary..:)
Reply:great story!!!!!
Reply:LOVE IT !!



highly interesting

i could feeel myself actually immersed in the story, and what will happen to the girl

Anybody like these songs or bands?

10 - Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi

10 - Ray LaMontagne - Forever My Friend

10 - Beatles - I Am The Walrus

10 - Rico - Midnight in Ethiopia

10 - Hooverphonic - Renaissance Affair

10 - Lemon Jelly - '64 (Go)

10 - The White Birch - Beauty King

10 - Sister Flo - White Noise

10 - Cornershop - We're In Yr Corner

10 - John Stanford - The Edge

10 - Porcupine Tree - Point 3 (.3)

10 - James McMurtry - Levelland

10 - Talking Heads - Life During Wartime (Live)

10 - Ganga Giri - In the Jungle

10 - Ours - Here Is The Light

10 - Doves - Firesuite

10 - Longview - Further

10 - Soundtrack of Our Lives - Sister Surround

10 - Placebo - This Picture

10 - Jesse Colin Young - Ridgetop

10 - Iggy Pop - The Passenger

10 - Chorus of Tribes - Into Morocco

10 - Nighthawks - Hace Mucho

10 - Marc Moulin - Day Fever

10 - Cure - Purple Haze

9 - Stevie Ray Vaughan - Couldn't Stand The Weather

9 - Porcupine Tree - Fadeaway

9 - Television - 1880 Or So

9 - Modest Mouse - Float On

9 - Beck - Soldier Jane

9 - Deus - What We Talk About (When We Talk About Love)

9 - Donovan - Barabajagal

9 - Elbow - Station Approach

9 - The Real Tuesday Weld - Turn on the Sun Again

9 - Bob Marley - Exodus

9 - The Electric Prunes - I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)

9 - Beatles - Revolution 1

9 - Joni Mitchell - Coyote

9 - Morphine - Buena

9 - Beck - Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime

9 - J.J. Cale - Chains of Love

9 - Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary

9 - Grateful Dead - Uncle John's Band

9 - Dire Straits - On Every Street

9 - Eddie Harris - Listen Here

9 - Hooverphonic - Club Montepulciano

9 - Stevie Ray Vaughan - Pipeline

9 - David Gilmour - Take A Breath

9 - Elliott Smith - Independence Day

9 - Harvey Reid - Racing the Storm

9 - New Order - True Faith

9 - Guster - Ruby Falls

9 - Ennio Morricone - For A Few Dollars More

9 - Thievery Corporation - Pela Janela (Feat Gigi Rezende)

9 - Neko Case %26amp; Her Boyfriends - Whip the Blankets

9 - Foo Fighters - On The Mend

9 - Elliott Smith - Waltz #2

9 - Pearl Jam - Unemployable

9 - Jimi Hendrix - Angel

9 - Muse - City of Delusion

9 - New Radiant Storm King - Yardsale Legacy

9 - Gotan Project - La Vigüela

9 - Muse - Map of the Problematiqué

9 - The Cure - The Walk (everything Mix)

9 - Badly Drawn Boy - You Were Right

9 - Bob Dylan - Thunder On The Mountain

9 - Pearl Jam - Given To Fly

9 - Mountain - Mississippi Queen

9 - Louis Prima - Jump, Jive, An' Wail

9 - Corey Harris - Basehead

9 - Pearl Jam - Inside Job

9 - Pete Yorn - Life on a Chain

9 - The Pretenders - Space Invader

9 - Beatles - You Never Give Me/The End

9 - Morphine - Honey White

9 - The Shell - Everywhere Is Home

9 - Radiohead - Thinking About You

9 - Porcupine Tree - Cloud Zero

9 - Count Basie - Jumpin' at the Woodside

9 - Stephen Malkmus - Pink India

9 - The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes

9 - Nick Drake - River Man

9 - Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again

9 - Otis Redding - Hard To Handle

9 - Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)

9 - The Decemberists - On the Bus Mall

9 - 54-40 - Casual Viewin'

9 - Art Of Noise - Peter Gunn

9 - Niyaz - Nahan (The Hidden)

9 - The Cure - Out Of This World

9 - World Party - Love is Best

9 - Emmerhoff - This Summer's Done

9 - U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name

9 - The Sundays - Here's Where The Story Ends

9 - Fleetwood Mac - Hypnotized

9 - Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares For Me

9 - 1 Giant Leap - The Way You Dream (feat. Michael Stipe)

9 - Midnight Oil - Tone Poem

9 - Hooverphonic - No More Sweet Music

9 - Air - Talisman

9 - Brian Eno - Fractal Zoom

9 - Euphoria - Fire In The Hole

9 - The Byrds - My Back Pages

9 - Smashing Pumpkins - Eye

9 - Baka Beyond - Spirit of the Forest

9 - Lightning Seeds - Waiting For Today To Happen

9 - Loop Guru - Single Orphan First Year Camel

9 - Neville Brothers - Fire On The Mountain

9 - The Buddhist Monks of Sakya Tashi Ling - Secret Energy

9 - Son Volt - Afterglow 61

9 - Guster - Satellite

9 - Boston Pops Orchestra - William Tell (Overture)

9 - Jim White - Handcuffed to a Fence in Mississippi

9 - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - In Like The Rose

9 - Rosanne Cash - Radio Operator

9 - Durutti Column - Nina

9 - Bettie Serveert - Unsound

9 - Coldplay - Warning Sign

9 - Pink Floyd - Time

9 - Secret Machines - Faded Lines

9 - Meghana Bhat - Running

9 - Willie and Lobo - Salome

9 - The American Analog Set - Hard to Find

9 - K.D. Lang - Save Me

9 - Pearl Jam - Nothing As It Seems

9 - The Postal Service - Such Great Heights

9 - Yes - And You And I

9 - Brazilian Girls - Homme

9 - Blue Man Group - Time To Start

9 - Elliott Smith - Wouldn't Mama Be Proud?

9 - Yat-Kha - Come Along

9 - Oasis - Who Feels Love

9 - The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again

9 - Joni Mitchell - Don Juan's Reckless Daughter

9 - Thelonious Monk - Straight, No Chaser

9 - Of Montreal - Wraith Pinned To The Mist %26amp; Other Games

9 - Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue

9 - Chroma Key - Colorblind

9 - Kubb - Wicked Soul

9 - Meat Puppets - Shine

9 - Leo Kottke %26amp; Mike Gordon - Living In The Country

9 - Red Prysock - Hand Clappin'

9 - Madness - One Step Beyond

9 - Galactic - Bongo Joe

9 - VAST - Dead Angels

9 - Stereophonics - Moviestar

9 - Hoodoo Gurus - Leilani

9 - Morphine - Take Me With You

9 - Dada - Dim

9 - Euphoria - Precious Time

9 - Vivaldi - The 4 Seasons: Summer

9 - Grandaddy - The Warming Sun

9 - Angelique Kidjo - Wombo Lombo

9 - Orbital - The Box

9 - Tom Petty - Square One

9 - Kruder %26amp; Dorfmeister - East West

9 - Sorten Muld - Bonden Og Elverpigen

9 - Temptations - Papa Was a Rolling Stone

9 - Sonic Youth - New Hampshire

9 - Matt Pond PA - Stars and Scars

9 - Thievery Corporation - The Lagos Communique

9 - Wilco - Kamera

9 - The Vines - Vision Valley

9 - Deus - Include Me Out

9 - Grant Lee Buffalo - Mockingbirds

9 - Belle and Sebastian - Mornington Crescent

9 - Gomez - All Too Much

9 - Pavement - Range Life

9 - Mike Doughty - Ossining

9 - Blue Man Group - Drumbone

9 - Duane Eddy - Rebel Rouser

9 - Boards of Canada - Aquarius

9 - Foo Fighters - Everlong

9 - Creeper Lagoon - Naked Days

9 - Travis - Follow the Light

9 - Neil Young - Pocahontas

9 - Arvo Pärt - Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten

9 - The Kinks - 20th Century Man

9 - Jets Overhead - All The People

9 - 10 CC - Dreadlock Holiday

9 - Jon Hopkins - Second Sense (w/ Imogen Heap)

9 - Hooverphonic - Inhaler

9 - Sea Ray - Revelry

9 - Drive-By Truckers - Sink Hole

9 - Wilco - The Late Greats

9 - Butch Baldassari Trio - As Far As I Can See

9 - Doves - Black and White Town

9 - The Starseeds - Parallel Life

9 - Lemon Jelly - The Staunton Lick

9 - Beck - Scarecrow

9 - Porcupine Tree - Start of Something Beautiful

9 - The Clash - The Guns of Brixton

9 - The Vines - Take Me Back

9 - Iggy Pop - Livin' On The Edge Of The Night

9 - Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps

9 - Herbie Hancock - Cantaloupe Island

9 - Sonic Youth - Incinerate

9 - Camera Obscura - Shine Like A New Pin

9 - Harry Manx - Afghani Raga

9 - Soft Hearted Scientists - Diving Bell

9 - Benise - Samba Samba

9 - Dana Lyons - Cows With Guns

9 - Abigail Washburn - Song of the Traveling Daughter

9 - Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris - Beachcombing

9 - Rusted Root - Rain

9 - ZZ Top - La Grange

9 - Rosanne Cash - Burn Down This Town

9 - Zero 7 - Futures

9 - Lemonheads - Mrs. Robinson

9 - World Party - What Does It Mean Now?

9 - Old 97s - Broadway

9 - Rubyhorse - Evergreen

9 - David Bowie - Waterloo Sunset

9 - David Bowie - Lady Grinning Soul

9 - The Smiths - How Soon Is Now

9 - Euphoria - Cowboys

9 - Mumbo Gumbo - Love Makes Me Stupid

9 - Michael Hedges - Aerial Boundaries

9 - Fleetwood Mac - Bleed to Love Her

9 - Doves - Satellites

9 - Pinback - Sender

9 - Mano Negra - Mala Vida

9 - Youngbloods - Get Together

9 - Gotan Project - Queremos Paz

9 - Of Montreal - So Begins Our Alabee

9 - Hard-Fi - Middle Eastern Holiday

9 - Euphoria - The Getaway

9 - Spoon - I Summon You

9 - Morphine - Cure For Pain

9 - Miles Davis - Mystery

9 - Madrugada - Majesty

9 - Spoon - Two Sides/Monsieur Valentine

9 - Mich Gerber - Haboob

9 - Buena Vista Social Club - El Cuarto de Tula

9 - Nitin Sawhney - Mausam

9 - Keren Ann - Chelsea Burns

9 - The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make?

9 - Beck - E-Pro

9 - Kinks - Sunny Afternoon

9 - David Tiller and Enion Pelta - The Tants of Toyt

9 - Dusted - Childhood

9 - Talvin Singh - Butterfly

9 - Radiohead - Go to Sleep

9 - Screaming Trees - More or Less

9 - Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows

9 - Sufjan Stevens - Casimir Pulaski Day

9 - James Blunt - Wisemen

9 - Porcupine Tree - Lips Of Ashes

9 - Radiohead - Nice Dream

9 - Frank Black - I Burn Today

9 - The Specials - Message to You Rudy

9 - The New Pornographers - The Bones Of An Idol

9 - Jem - Amazing Life

9 - The Magic Numbers - Forever Lost

9 - Belle and Sebastian - We are the Sleepyheads

9 - Yoshida Brothers - Tabidachi (Starting on a Journey)

9 - Magnet - Where Happiness Lives

9 - Radiohead - Stop Whispering

9 - Alpinestars - Hotel Parallel

9 - Morphine - I Know You (Part III)

9 - The Cranberries - God Be With You

9 - Billie Holiday - Speak Low (Bent Remix)

9 - Gomez - How We Operate

9 - Carbon Leaf - American Tale

9 - Zero 7 - Home

9 - Carmen Rizzo - Overlooked Happiness

9 - Eels - Souljacker

9 - Matisyahu - Time Of Your Song

9 - Yello - Call It Love

9 - Butthole Surfers - The Shame of Life

9 - Levellers - Too Real

9 - Nada Surf - Always Love

9 - Tabla Beat Science - Palmistry

9 - Namaste - Jam

9 - The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary

9 - Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond

9 - Jerry Garcia - Sugaree

9 - William Orbit - Time to get Wize

9 - Slainte Mhath - Annie

9 - Kangaroo Moon - Astral

9 - Hooverphonic - Eden

9 - Hooverphonic - You Love Me To Death

9 - Ivy - Feel So Free

9 - English Beat - Save It for Later

9 - Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia

9 - Groove Armada - Think Twice

9 - The Tea Party - Winter Solstice

9 - Hooverphonic - We All Float

9 - The National - Daughters of the Soho Riots

9 - The Cure - Just Like Heaven

9 - Alabama 3 - Woke Up This Morning

9 - Neil Young - Harvest Moon

9 - Kan'Nal - Gypsy

9 - Skalpel - Sculpture

9 - Dandy Warhols - Heavenly

9 - Alain Bashung - Osez Josephine

9 - Led Zeppelin - Tangerine

9 - Elvis Costello - Pump It Up

9 - Sophie Zelmani - Hard To Know

9 - New Order - Waiting For The Sirens' Call

9 - Sons %26amp; Daughters - Dance Me In

9 - John Lee Hooker/ Miles Davis/ Taj Mahal - End Credits

9 - Tricky - Evolution Revolution Love

9 - Robbie Robertson %26amp; The Red Road Ensemble - Coyote Dance

9 - Porcupine Tree - Half-Light

9 - Bomb The Bass - Empire (w/ Sinéad O'Connor)

9 - Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over

9 - Matt Pond PA - New Hampshire

9 - Emiliana Torrini - Fingertips

9 - Telepopmusik - Breathe

9 - Meat Puppets - Sam

9 - Coldplay - Clocks

9 - Zwan - Riverview

9 - David Bowie - Heroes

9 - The Delgados - The City Consumes Us

9 - The Postal Service - We Will Become Silhouettes

9 - Turin Brakes - Slack

9 - Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through the Grapevine

9 - Asian Dub Foundation - 1000 Mirrors (w/ Sinead O Connor)

9 - Steve Earle - Telephone Road

9 - Röyksopp - Only This Moment

9 - Jimi Hendrix - 1983.. (A Merman I Should Turn To Be)

9 - Porcupine Tree - Trains

9 - The Mamas %26amp; The Papas - Dream A Little Dream Of Me

9 - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

9 - Editors - Fall

9 - Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime

9 - Medeski, Martin %26amp; Wood - Anonymous Skulls

9 - Moby - First Cool Hive

9 - Sam Roberts - Hard Road

9 - The Clash - London Calling

9 - Spinning Jennies - Three Minus One

9 - Amadou %26amp; Mariam - Camions Sauvages

9 - Gomez - Revolutionary Kind

9 - Happy Mondays - Bob's Yer Uncle

9 - Grateful Dead - Ripple

9 - Forest For The Trees - Dream

9 - Editors - Blood

9 - Sebadoh - Willing to Wait

9 - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Over And Over Again (Lost and Again)

9 - Imogen Heap - Have You Got It In You?

9 - Asian Dub Foundation - Riddim I Like

9 - Thievery Corporation - The Richest Man in Babylon

9 - Low and Sweet Orchestra - Sometimes the Truth Is All You Get

9 - Sixteen Horsepower - Hutterite Mile

9 - Morphine - Rope On Fire

9 - James - Sound

9 - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Let the Bells Ring

9 - Steve Forbert - You Cannot Win If You Do Not Play

9 - Allen Toussaint - White Christmas

9 - Strunz %26amp; Farah - Dark Fire

9 - The Weepies - Vegas Baby

9 - Arctic Monkeys - Fake Tales Of San Francisco

9 - The Cardigans - Live and Learn

9 - Thievery Corporation - The Supreme Illusion (Feat Gunjan)

9 - Eels - From Which I Came/A Magic World

9 - Iron %26amp; Wine and Calexico - He Lays In The Reins

9 - The Shins - We Will Become Silhouettes

9 - Ralph Myerz %26amp; The Jack Herren - Nikita

9 - Ian Brown - Kiss Ya Lips (No ID)

9 - Robin Trower - Bridge Of Sighs

9 - Namaste - Havana Blues

9 - Smashing Pumpkins - Stand Inside Your Love

9 - Frank Black - Speedy Marie

9 - The Dead 60s - Red Light

9 - The Church - Myrrh

9 - Kasabian - Ovary Stripe

9 - Flaming Lips - In The Morning Of The Magician

9 - Jesse Cook - Breathing Below The Surface

9 - Beethoven - Symphony No.5 - Allegro Con Brio

9 - Elbow - My Very Best

9 - Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body

9 - Depeche Mode - Precious

9 - The Samples - Eatonville

9 - Johnny Cash - Rusty Cage

9 - Air - Le Voyage De Penelope

9 - Iain Ballamy - If I Apologised

9 - Snow Patrol - Tiny Little Fractures

9 - Fairport Convention - Tam Lin

9 - The Killers - All These Things That I've Done

9 - Ryan Adams - La Cienga Just Smiled

9 - Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice (remix)

9 - Morphine - Radar

9 - DJ Shadow - Six Days (Soulwax Mix)

9 - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Rifles

9 - Porcupine Tree - Lightbulb Sun

9 - Bob Marley - Natural Mystic

9 - Faith No More - Stripsearch

9 - The Frames - Dream Awake

9 - Smashing Pumpkins - Drown

9 - Leo Kottke - Morning is the Long Way Home

9 - Jimmy Thackery - Burford's Bop

9 - Pinback - Boo

9 - PJ Harvey - A Perfect Day Elise

9 - Tosca - Busenfreund

9 - Mocean Worker - Right Now

9 - Habib Koite %26amp; Bamada - Takamba

9 - Pinback - Seville

9 - Massive Attack - Angel

9 - Kent - Dom Andra

9 - Kasabian - Cutt Off

9 - The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

9 - Catherine Wheel - Black Metallic

9 - Hot Tuna - Water Song

9 - Björk - Jóga

9 - Thomas Newman - Still Dead

9 - Kristin Hersh - Your Dirty Answer

9 - Jimi Hendrix - Manic Depression

9 - Glenn Miller - A String of Pearls

9 - The Byrds - Eight Miles High

9 - Enigma - The Eyes Of Truth

9 - Pete Yorn - For Nancy

9 - Ten Years After - Let The Sky Fall

9 - Devlins - Static In The Flow

9 - Pat Metheny Group - Above The Treetops

9 - Calexico - El Picador (live)

9 - Throwing Muses - Not Too Soon

9 - Kruder And Dorfmeister - Definition

9 - Guster - Barrel of a Gun

9 - BT - Satellite

9 - Chemical Brothers - One Too Many Mornings

9 - Slowdive - Shine

9 - Orbital - Illuminate (w/ David Gray)

9 - New Order - Temptation

9 - Galactic - Mercamon

9 - Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free

9 - Morphine - Scratch

9 - Thunderclap Newman - Something In The Air

9 - Finn Brothers - Suffer Never

9 - Pete Krebs %26amp; The Gossamer Wings - Her Dress so Green in the Moonlight

9 - Placebo - Twenty Years

9 - 1 Giant Leap - My Culture (w/Robbie Williams %26amp; Maxi Jazz)

9 - Sonic Youth - Unwind

9 - Golden Smog - Lost Love

9 - Violent Femmes - Gone Daddy Gone

9 - A Man Called Adam - Yachts

9 - Grand National - Talk Amongst Yourselves

9 - Interpol - Narc

9 - Pink Martini - No Hay Problema

9 - Sufjan Stevens - Come on Feel the Illinoise!

9 - Rubyhorse - Fell on Bad Days

9 - Tosca - Ocean Beat

9 - Dzihan and Kamien - Stiff Jazz

9 - Jacques Loussier Trio - Italian Concerto Allegro

9 - Peter Tosh - Johnny B. Goode

9 - Lush - Undertow

9 - Witchcraft - Ultraviolet

9 - A3 - Let the Caged Bird Sing

9 - Phish - Chalkdust Torture

9 - 46bliss - In A Long Time

9 - Buffalo Tom - Soda Jerk

9 - Ryan Adams - Easy Plateau

9 - Frank Black - I Heard Ramona Sing

9 - Groove Armada - At The River

9 - Ian Brown - Solarized

9 - Soul Coughing - The Incumbent

9 - Mogwai - Killing All the Flies

9 - Mike Doughty - Sunken-Eyed Girl

9 - Roxy Music - More Than This

9 - Xymox - Losing My Head

9 - Porcupine Tree - Shesmovedon

9 - Rachid Taha - Barra Barra

9 - Coldplay - White Shadows

9 - Coldplay - Low

9 - Robert Plant - Shine It All Around

9 - Neil Finn - Twisty Bass

9 - Billy Corgan - Mina Loy (M.O.H.)

9 - Eric Bibb - Don't Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down

9 - The Arcade Fire - Une Anee Sans Lumiere

9 - Porcupine Tree - Stars Die

9 - Interpol - C'mere

9 - Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye

9 - Paloalto - Breathe In

9 - Chris Whitley - To Joy (Revolution of the Innocents)

9 - The Durutti Column - Requiem For Mother

9 - Javier Paxariño - Temurá

9 - The Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)

9 - Ministry of Sound - Cafe del Mar

9 - Placebo - English Summer Rain

9 - Sister Double Happiness - Wheels A' Spinning

9 - Billy Idol - Evil Eye

9 - Hem - Betting On Trains

9 - Porcupine Tree - Halo

9 - Bloc Party - This Modern Love

9 - Phish - Sand

9 - Acoustic Alchemy - Santa Cafe

9 - The Pogues - Dirty Old Town

9 - Bloc Party - Compliments

9 - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Nature Boy

9 - Grateful Dead - Playing in the Band

9 - Trail of Dead - Let It Dive

9 - Ben Taylor Band - Time of the Season

9 - Pineapple Thief - We Subside

9 - Miles Davis - It Ain't Necessarily So

9 - Ozric Tentacles - Iscence

9 - Mark Knopfler - Don't Crash The Ambulance

9 - St. Germain - Rose Rouge

9 - Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You

9 - Thievery Corporation - Wires And Watchtowers (Feat Sista Pat)

9 - Kent - 400 Slag

9 - Billy Idol - Lady Do or Die

9 - West Indian Girl - Dream

9 - Faithless - No Roots

9 - Dandy Warhols - You Were The Last High

9 - Stevie Ray Vaughan - Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)

9 - Porcupine Tree - Mellotron Scratch

9 - G.O.L. - Soma Holiday

9 - Zilverzurf - Rotate %26amp; Levitate

9 - Porcupine Tree - Lazarus

9 - Thievery Corporation - Amerimacka (Feat Notch)

9 - Cream - Those Were the Days

9 - Morrissey - It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small

9 - Thirteen Senses - Into The Fire

9 - The Lemonheads - It's a Shame About Ray

9 - Air - La Femme D'Argent

9 - Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass

9 - Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde (w/ Pam Bricker)

9 - Depeche Mode - Useless (Kruder %26amp; Dorfmeister Remix)

9 - Smashing Pumpkins - Rhinocerous

9 - Led Zeppelin - Kashmir

9 - Coldplay - Moses

9 - Leo Kottke - Vaseline Machine Gun

9 - Porcupine Tree - Even Less

9 - Joseph Arthur - in the sun

9 - R.L. Burnside - It's Bad You Know

9 - The Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia My Reflection

9 - Doves - Darker

9 - John Prine - Paradise

9 - The Shins - Mine's Not A High Horse

9 - My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday

9 - Pat Metheny - New Chautauqua

9 - Kent - Musik Non Stop

9 - Kronos Quartet - The Two Towers (w/ Clint Mansell)

9 - Frank Black and the Catholics - St Francis Dam Disaster

9 - Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde

9 - Bob Mould - Soundonsound

9 - Neil Finn - Human Kindness

9 - Seal - Human Beings

9 - Ima Robot - Scream

9 - Incubus - Aqueous Transmission

9 - Kula Shaker - Radhe Radhe

9 - Jeremy Kittel - Oisin's Tune

9 - Rubén González - Mandinga

9 - Mich Gerber - Zumurud

9 - Natalie MacMaster - Flamenco Fling Reel for Brenda

9 - Interpol - Untitled

9 - Luna - Speedbumps

9 - Seconds Flat - Dance On My Grave

9 - BeauSoleil - Cochon de Lait

9 - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Red Eyes And Tears

9 - Unkle - In a State

9 - Leo Kottke - When Shrimps Learn to Whistle

9 - The Dandy Warhols - Call Me

9 - Joseph Arthur - Can't Exist

9 - 16 Horsepower - Cinder Alley

9 - Pearl Jam - You Are

9 - Jars of Clay - Frail

9 - Cure - Letter to Elise

9 - Thievery Corporation - Samba Tranquille

9 - Badly Drawn Boy - Once Around the Block

9 - U2 - Vertigo

9 - Orb - Toxygene

9 - Alpinestars - Burning Up

9 - Yoshida Brothers - Storm

9 - William Topley - The Ring

9 - Banco de Gaia - Obsidian

9 - Bryan Ferry - I Thought

9 - Taj Mahal %26amp; The Chieftans - Freedom Ride

9 - Bryan Ferry - Fool For Love

9 - Vast - Thrown Away

9 - Rachael Yamagata - Paper Doll

9 - Thelonious Monk - Criss-Cross

9 - Snow Patrol - Somewhere a Clock is Ticking

9 - Goldfrapp - Utopia

9 - Paul Schwartz - Dido

9 - Shankar + Gabarek + Hussain + Gurtu - Song For Everyone

9 - Porcupine Tree - Prodigal

9 - MC 900 FT Jesus - The City Sleeps

9 - Chameleons - Dangerous Land

9 - LHB - We Live in Cities

9 - Alejandro Escovedo - Castanets

9 - Railroad Earth - Bird in a House

9 - Richard Shindell - Hazel's House

9 - PJ Harvey - The Letter

9 - Porcupine Tree - Dark Matter

9 - Slowdive - Souvlaki Space Station

9 - Son Volt - Route

9 - Air - Alpha Beta Gaga

9 - Liquido - Narcotic

9 - Southern Culture on the Skids - Mojo Box

9 - Dandy Warhols - Plan A

9 - Junkhouse - Shine

9 - Mark Lanegan - House A Home

9 - Carbon Leaf - Let Your Troubles Roll By

9 - I Am Kloot - From Your Favourite Sky

9 - Thievery Corporation - Indra

9 - Chameleons - Swamp Thing

9 - Interpol - Hands Away

9 - Sixteen Horsepower - Black Soul Choir

9 - Jeff Buckley - Grace

9 - Vida Blue - The Illustrated Band

9 - Morphine - Whisper

9 - Yonderboi - Fairy of the Lake

9 - Hooverphonic - One

9 - John Martyn - Glory Box

9 - Robbie Robertson %26amp; The Red Road Ensemble - The Vanishing Breed

9 - Donna The Buffalo - Riddle of the Universe

9 - Alpinestars - Carbon Kid (w/ Brian Molko)

9 - Banco De Gaia - Last Train to Lhasa

9 - Garmarna - Euchari

9 - Rolling Stones - Sweethearts Together

9 - Bj?rk - Big Time Sensuality

9 - Groove Armada - But I Feel Good

Anybody like these songs or bands?
You've picked some real classics.

I don't listen to much rock these days, but in the last 24 hours I've played:

Leo Kottke %26amp; Mike Gordon - Living In The Country

Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris - Beachcombing

Rusted Root - (not Rain, but the Cruel Sun cd)

Mark Knopfler - Don't Crash The Ambulance

%26amp; Nick Drake - River Man (but I listen to Nick Drake most mornings before bed)

I just came back from the library where I picked up:

Ultimate Billie Holiday

John Cale - Vintage Violence

Patti Smith - Trampin'

Tori Amos - Boys for Pale

%26amp; Widespread Depression Orchestra - Downtown Uproar and Boogie in the Barnyard
Reply:where are the names of the songs or bands? whaatt? Report It

Reply:the best i half to say are like low life bands like cartel, the killers and like hellogoodbye and lamb of god also hinder and the fray, gym class heroes and the red jump suit and many more Report It

Reply:BobMyhre You have great music taste lol, you just listed like all of my favorite bands! Report It

Reply:Are these really old bands cause I haven't heard them. Report It

Reply:Yeah, some of 'em. The Talking Heads are cool, and so's Iggy Pop. The Cure (didn't know they did a cover of Purple Haze, but now I gotta check it out), Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, The Butthole Surfers (sometimes, and hehe), The Dead 60s (I'm not REALLY into them, but they're kinda interesting, Billy Idol, Dandy Warhols (again, occasionally) and Seal (so-so)...

Ok- checked out the Cure's cover of Purple Haze, and gotta say, I like the original better. Hot Hot Hot is and A Forest are, in my opinion, The Cure's two best songs... I think it's cool that they REALLY put their own spin on the song (Purple Haze) though...
Reply:i love pearl jam and a bunch of others you listed...but..i didnt take the time to read them ALL

umm the beatles.

fleetwood mac.


Rolling Stones(the lead singer is too old i can't understand anything he's singing)

there's a lot more.

so yeah.
Reply:all great bands! great taste in music! =0)
Reply:yeah, such as Robert Plant, Bowie, Incubus, Rolling Stones
Reply:Definetly Coldplay
Reply:Great list!! Thanks for reminders of many forgotten songs.
Reply:eh......oh yeah.....why ????
Reply:just how long did it take u to write all them down you must be one bored person but yea i love em all
Reply:Foo Fighters %26amp; Pearl Jam

Went to the Foo concert last week %26amp; going to the Pearl Jam concert next month WOOHOO!!!

Rock on...
Reply:***** why you writin all

of that u dont even got


or falloutboy

i do like the killers though

plant gifts