Monday, November 16, 2009

Answer me Christians, (Pagans are invited to Comment)?

Read the Following completely or don’t read anything at all: -

1.Christ was executed in 0 A.D. and in late 300 A.D. did the Roman citizens convert,(before that none of their middle class or rulers converted) This was because Constantine took the help of the Slaves and Civil servants of the lower rung who had converted because they had no political say, and after Constantine captured power he Forced all the Romans to convert or else Die.

2.People of France , and other North Eastern European countries were Nordic, Celtic etc. after the Roman Catholic Church defeated them they converted the political class by force, but the Masses did not convert, after which the Church imposed high agricultural tax on all the Non Christians and exempted those people who were Christian that is why these people were forced to convert (economical coercion).

3.People of Spain were not Christians, when defeated by Roman Catholic Church Did not see the Light so the Church used The Spanish Rack(torture device) on 100000 people and these victims were publicly tortured after which Spaniards saw the Light and Converted.

4.The Red Indians Dominated U. S. A. in the 1500 A.D. when the pilgrims came, they(red Indians) did not see light so the Church handed out Cholera Blankets which resulted in the mass Genocide of 2 million Red Indians and now they are a minority.

What I want to say from my above statements is your religion has throughout History been imposed rather than people flocking

Towards it , to prove my statements I shall say that in India many Christian missionaries are there and everybody knows that Hindus are more Docile than Cows yet Majority they have not converted , The Majority of Buddhist have not converted (they are the brother of Hindus)

Many people in African countries are converting mainly the famine stricken tribals the B.B.C channel has shown how Christian Evangelical Organizations are converting these people By offering 100 $ to each convertee,

Use simple Logic if Europe overnight saw the light and converted peacefully just by reading the Bible then the same effect it should have had in Asia all should have converted yet they haven’t

Nowadays more poor people from Africa and poor countries are thronging to convert for Economical Bribes.

Many people who are middle class and upper middle class of India(about 300 million ) are not converting on mass scale even when most of them have knowledge of the Bible . So In my opinion if Constantine would not have been there You would have been a small sect even Know because Historically it has been proven that Thousands f other people have not flocked to you religion and no Race Civilization or Culture HaD ever Invited the Church in their Society.

And Only Countries Defeated By The Church and Christians have citizens who have converted.

Answer me Christians, (Pagans are invited to Comment)?
Completely agree. If your religion is really the truth then let people find it themselves.
Reply:All those statistics do not have reputable, verifiable evidence to support them. Therefore, the point is moot.
Reply:All that, and not a single question. What did I miss?
Reply:I read your claims and they are true and well founded. Your insight has great merit, and truth to it. I only have this to add to your statements of fact. More innocent people have died in the name of Christianity than any other cause throughout history. It seems that the true message is not getting through. It's about LOVE and PEACE, not DEATH and TAXES. God never asked for money, land, wealth, riches or fanatical followers; he asked that all humankind endowed with freewill choose of their own volition to follow him. It is the madness of MEN that these things have transpired. Such will be his WRATH at the awakening. No one man,one culture, one country, or united group of countries has the ownership of Christianity, and with so many interpretations, factions, sects and denominations within religion, they are all wrong, and have fallen into the madness of fanatical religion. I'm sorry for them all, for they know not what they have done and will do in the name of religion. If one look to a religion and people that have and still walk in the light; look to the followers of BUDDHA, and the Dahlia Llama; and if Hindu's are their brothers, then some of the TRUE concepts of GOD have reach a small portion of humanity.

I will see you on the other side, after the awakening and we can talk to eternity's end on the follies of MAN; for you have opened your eyes and you have seen the truth..
Reply:I don't see a question here, only an editorial. Be nice, though, if you had your facts straight. Logic doesn't work if you have faulty facts or assumptions.

To start with, Christ was crucified around 33 AD, though the dating is iffy by 3 or 4 years either way because the Romans and Jews used different calendars and the Gregorian calendar was adopted much later.

Constantine was already a candidate for emperor before his conversion following the defeat of Maxsentius in AD 312. The subsequent state adoption of the faith may, however, have been the worst thing that every happened to the church (in my opinion). It opened to door to all kinds of corruption and abuse, including the Inquisition, forced conversions, anti-semitism, etc., none of which an honest Christian denies and is not sorry for.

It is, however, incorrect to say that the Roman Catholic Church conquered France or Spain or the British Isles. Europe was conquered by the Roman empire (Julius Caesar : "All Gaul is divided into three parts...") several decades before Christ was born. Christianity spread there, and eastward into India and north thru Greece and Macendonia into Russia rapdily during the first century, long before it became a 'legitimate' and officially sanctioned faith. Converts were made my the persuasive arguments of the gospel -- as they are today, the bribery of a scant few unscrupulous 'missionaries' aside (if you take the BBC story at face value -- I do not.)

If anything or anyone was conquered, it was the Church, as wave after wave of 'barbarians' assaulted the Empire. The Church was also 'conquered' by its accommodation and adoption of many pagan practices after Constantine.

People convert to any religion (or become atheists) for a variety of reasons. Real conversion to Christianity is based on one's reaction to Christ and the validity of His resurrection, not the historical record of those who have claimed to follow Him. (On the other hand, for everyone who has abused the name of Christ, there are a hundred or more who have lived faithfully. But they don't make many headlines because good behavior doesn't sell newspapers.) The abuses of some who SAY they are adherents of any given faith do not negate the validity of that faith any more than the abuse of driving privileges negate the value of the automobile.

I'd suggest you look at the source material -- the Bible -- and forget this revisionist horse hockey.
Reply:No problem,. mate. We don't want you in our church anyway, so no one's going to try and convert you. Please..just stay where you are and keep away from us Christians, we DON'T WANT YOU!
Reply:I agree with you; I'm pagan, and only sought Christianity at a time in my life when I was too naive to know there were alternatives. However, there is no question in this posting, so why are you here??? What are you wanting us to "answer"?
Reply:I don't know what to say but to laugh at your master the Devil

he is a failure just like you.

You better think of Jesus now that you have breath on your nose

I will say Christians has been the most peaceful on planet Earth that we stay or live on.

I will say there is still hope for you to repent.

However I mark your question Bad, because your summaries are what you and your master plan as the next target to get those who are not solid in the faith, and those who are yet to convert.

I bet you, if you don't stop, you will end like this, and the next thing is hell.

Repent and follow Jesus while you breathe yet
Reply:I am confused
Reply:Errrr.... excuse me... It seems that your pointing so much to the Roman Catholic Religion....

Technically... Roman Catholic is just a sub-category for Christianity.

So next time please point out to catholicism only...

Jed B.

Reply:Likewise you could explain the current trend of conversion to Christianity in the US as social coercion.
Reply:That's just foolishness.
Reply:Coercion never converted anybody, except those who had something to gain or lose from it. Then I would question legitimacy of such conversions. The reality is that the church was spread just fine before Constantine made it the official religion of the Roman Empire. It had grown so powerful, that it was becoming a threat to his powerbase. In a matter of 300 years, Christianity had converted as much as 10% of the Roman Empire and had expanded well into India and was making its way into China without the help of conquering armies and imperial decrees.

What happened when Constantine made it the official religion, it stifled the growth of Christianity, rather than bolstering it. Christianity became a cultural norm, and with that, came all the baggage of politics and coercion that get attached to it. Almost immediately, power players latched on to the faith and saw it as a way of political gain. This same pattern is observable all through history: look at the Church of England history, Colonial America, and other theocratic states that were set up. It is also true that people have used the name of Christ to conquer others, such as the episodes you mention above and the crusades to name a few. There are many dark chapters in the history of Christianity, but that doesn't make it all bad. And I’d say this is not at all the way Christ would have tried to expand the faith, but rather using the methods missionaries like the apostle Paul used.

Now I disagree with you on the basis of modern conversions. China is a prime example. Christianity is growing there at a rate never before seen in history. After Mao attempted to eradicate religion from China, he set up what would become the one of the most spiritually hungry places on earth. Nobody is making the Chinese come to Christ through coercion, and in fact the government goes through extreme measure to stop the spread of Christianity. Even at 3%, there are 36 million Christians in China, and that was 12 years ago. The Joshua Project estimates that there are about 96,600,000 Christians in China in 2006. In 1980, there were less than 1,000,000 Christians. That means 9600% growth has happened in 26 years. One cannot simply brush that under the rug.

Also, in southern Sudan, there are people coming to the Christian faith in droves too. I think this has a lot to do with their surroundings. Sudan is war torn by different factions of politics fighting. On the other hand though, there are Christian relief organizations attempting to help the Sudanese. If the alien faith is trying to bring peace, and you want peace, then you would embrace the alien faith that brings peace. The Sudanese Christians are still persecuted and still impoverished, but their conversions aren’t a result of bribes as you propose. It may be true that there are some people who bribe people into accepting their faith, but I don't think that represents the majority or even a significant portion of conversions.
Reply:When you read English history it is full of stories of people having their heads hacked off or being burnt at the stake for either because they were catholic and there was protestant on the throne, or you were protestant and there was a catholic on the throne. (The Tudors are a classic example,The Catholic queen " Bloody" Mary really lived up to her name )But woe betide you if you said you were a non-believer in those times too. How tragic that all those people died because of mindless superstition.
Reply:First of all you don't know History, Christ was crucified in 32 AD. Secondly there is a huge difference in Catholics and those who have traditionally followed Christ. Jesus never counseled His followers to be warlike. In one instance when they asked Him if they should command fire to come down from Heaven and devour their adversaries, He responded "I came to kill and destroy but to save". Those of us in the small remnant who follow His word, do not kill. We have never done so, there was always just a remnant of true Christians and then the others like Constantine who blended many pagan traditions with a misture of the words of Christ and called themselves Christians. Don't be fooled. I honestly don't blame you all for thinking such things, but we real Christians are just a small, small group.
Reply:I do not see that you asked a question that anyone can answer. All you have done is given us a history lesson, coupled with a lesson on comparative religion. Ask a question, get an answer.
Reply:very sad history and true - and still the Christians want to condem us Pagans!

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